Jung, Rehorst & Neuwirth-Kraft Steuerberater PartmbB


The partnership is called Jung, Rehorst & Neuwirth-Kraft Steuerberater PartmbB.

Address of the business premises

Dreieich Plaza 2a, 63303 Dreieich sowie Löwenstraße 4-8, 63067 Offenbach

Authorized representatives

Nino Jung, Andreas Rehorst, Cordula Neuwirth-Kraft

Contact information

Standort Dreieich, + 49 6103 404840, info@jrn.tax • Standort Offenbach, + 49 69 8010610, mail@jrn.tax

Information about domicile and registration

The company is domiciled in 63303 Dreieich and entered in the partnership register of the Frankfurt District Court under number PR2693.

Professional and job titles

The partners and employed professionals pursuant to § 58 StBerG use the legal job titles “Tax Consultant” and/or “Expert Consultant for International Tax Law.” These job titles were granted in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Supervisory authority

The responsible supervisory authority is the Hessen Chamber of Tax Consultants (http://www.stbk-hessen.de/), Bleichstraße 1, 60313 Frankfurt.

Professional regulations

The profession of tax consultants and expert consultants is largely subject to the following professional regulations:

• Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG)

• Regulation for the Implementation of the Tax Consultancy Act (DVStB)

• Professional Code for Tax Consultants (BOStB)

• Compensation Ordinance for Tax Consultants, Tax Agents and Tax Consultancy Companies (StBVV)

• Regulation for Expert Consultants (FBO)

These regulations can be reviewed at the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants website (http://www.bundessteuerberaterkammer.de/).

Tax registration information

Our VAT identification number is: DE323382141

Professional liability insurance

Under the number 90/0452/9039113/230, the partnership company maintains professional liability insurance with Allianz Versicherungs-AG in 10900 Berlin. With the exception of other European countries, Turkey, the Russian Federation, and the other states of the foreign Soviet Union, this insurance coverage does not apply to claims asserted before foreign courts or based on a breach of or failure to observe foreign law.

Data privacy

Our privacy policy can be reviewed here.

Applicable law

All questions and disputes relating to this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

General conditions of contract

We will send you the general conditions of contract that underlie each contract with Jung, Rehorst & Neuwirth-Kraft Steuerberater PartmbB, in the applicable form in each case, when you become a client, or in advance if desired.


Jung, Rehorst & Neuwirth-Kraft Steuerberater PartmbB will not participate in voluntary arbitration proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability notice

Despite a careful review of the content, we cannot assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are exclusively liable for the content of these pages.

With the information in this Legal Notice, the partnership company fulfills the requirements of § 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG), §§ 2 and 3 Ordinance on Service Providers’ Information Duties (DL-InfoV) as well as § 18 Para. 2 State Media Treaty (MStV).

Photo Proof

Karsten Werner, www.light-artist.de
Frederik Weidner
People photo created by 8photo – www.freepik.com
Book photo created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com
Building vector created by upklyak – www.freepik.com